The scope of my work deals largely with the frontend: React, responsive development, SASS/CSS3, Flexbox, Bootstrap, Javascript (ES6), HTML5, and all other facets of front-end development like SEO, user experience, customer relations, etc.

Aside from frontend work, I spend time working to develop my technical skills further. I typically like to work on projects utalizing the MERN stack. My goal is to become a fullstack Javascript developer at some point in my career! I really enjoy solving complex problems, and there is certainly no shortage of those in web developement. I consider myself a quick learner, and take pride in pushing myself to learn new things. Outside of web dev, I play and practice quite a bit of golf. (If you want to play golf, my answer is not no.)

I am available for contact anytime via email. You can view my email, Github, or Linkedin via the social links above & below. Thanks for looking.








laptop iconMacOS/Windows

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Frontend /

ReactJs, Redux, Javascrtipt (ES6), JQuery, consuming API’s, HTML5, CSS3, SASS, Flexbox, CSS Grid, Bootstrap, Bulma, Wordpress, Responsive Development, W3C Accessibility, Developer Tools

Backend /

NodeJs, Express, MongoDB, Mongoose, Gatsby, JSON Web Tokens(JWT), npm, Yarn, REST- ful API’s, GraphQL, Webpack

Version Cntrl /

Git (terminal or desktop), Github

Design /

Adobe Creative Suite, Sketch, Figma